Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bon Voyage!

Today is the one-year anniversary of my first day in London. So many things in my life have changed for the better since then personally and emotionally, and I owe a lot of those feelings to going abroad. Since stepping off that plane and navigating around a foreign city (albeit with the help of good friends and good staff at SU London), I feel like I can go anywhere and accomplish anything. It sounds cheesy, but it's true: going to London opened me up to (literally) a world of possibilities.

So this anniversary day got me thinking of all the kids from SU who are just starting their journey abroad. Best of luck to all of you. Be safe, but take chances. Explore. Go out in groups, but go out. Have fun. And you don't always have to go out to have fun-- know that sometimes it's okay to stay in with a book or a movie and some buddies. Take advantage of as many trips as possible, but don't forget that the city you're in is one of the most historically rich and culturally vibrant cities in the Western world.

And say hello to this guy for me. Tell him I'll be back to visit him someday.

Bon voyage and cheers to all of you!

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